VPN Protect - Phone Shield

Privacy Policy

VPN Protect - Phone Shield May 13, 2024

This Privacy Policy (referred to hereafter as "Policy") outlines the practices of the VPN Protect - Phone Shield team (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "the Company") regarding the collection, utilization, disclosure, and protection of information belonging to our users (referred to here as "you"). It's important to clarify that this Policy pertains exclusively to VPN Protect - Phone Shield and does not extend to other products or websites owned by the Company.

We advise our users to frequently review this Policy, as it may undergo updates from time to time. Should users have opted-in for notifications, updates may be communicated via email, in-app messages, or notifications.


We clarify that the following data are not collected:

No details are recorded about how you use VPN Protect - Phone Shield, including the specific apps, services, or websites accessed while our service is active.

We do not log original or server IP addresses during the use of our service.

DNS queries remain unrecorded while you are connected to VPN Protect - Phone Shield.


As an entity that champions internet privacy and security, we hold user privacy paramount and aim for transparency in our operations, viewing trust as fundamental in our user relations.

Here's a breakdown of the types of information we collect, how we collect them, and their purposes:

Account Data: The registration date (e.g., 2018/09/01) is captured automatically at the time of account creation.

Subscription Data: Subscription status (e.g., 2018/09/01 - 2018/10/01) is gathered automatically when a transaction is made. These details are collected solely to support our users.


Operating system details (e.g., iOS 11.3.1-10,000,000) are logged when the app is accessed.

App version (e.g., Version 6.1_132_432908b) is noted each time the app is launched.

Daily active user statistics (e.g., 2018/09/01-19,000,000) are collected on app access.

User geodemographics (e.g., US-100,000,000) are sourced from the App Store and Google Play Store.

These aggregated data are instrumental in enhancing our understanding of our users and in improving customer satisfaction during product development.


Server Location: The location of the server (e.g., US-California server 1) is recorded automatically during each VPN connection.

Connection Timestamp: The exact time of connection (e.g., Connected@15:30 2018/05/15) is logged each time a VPN connection is established.

Error Report: Any errors that occur during VPN connection attempts (e.g., Error_Userdoesnotallowconfiguration) are automatically documented.

Network Type: The type of network being used (e.g., 4G) is collected by an external analytics service provider.

This information is utilized exclusively to enhance the VPN service and for troubleshooting purposes. Importantly, it is automatically deleted from our systems within 96 hours after collection.


Analytics Data: Data such as app crash reports and in-app page engagement metrics are gathered while you use the VPN Protect - Phone Shield app.

Advertising Data: Identifiers like the iOS ad identifier (IDFA) and the Android ad master identifier are collected.

The collected data is crucial for assessing the performance of the VPN Protect - Phone Shield app and its various features. It supports our ability to provide the necessary assistance to maintain our free VPN service. We emphasize that this information is not shared with third-party advertisers.

For more details on our analytics service providers and their practices, additional information is available.

AppMetrica: https://metrica.yandex.com/about/info/privacy-policy

Facebook: https://business.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

Appsflyer: https://www.appsflyer.com/product/data-privacy/


We prioritize the confidentiality of our users' information and have implemented several measures to safeguard it:

Access to sensitive data is strictly limited to relevant teams, such as support and accounting.

VPN connection data is automatically deleted from our systems 96 hours after collection.

Regular reviews and updates of our privacy practices are conducted by designated personnel to ensure compliance with current laws and regulations. For inquiries or requests concerning your privacy, please reach out to our support team at support@vpnprotect-shield.com, and expect a response within 48 hours.


Our website utilizes cookies to enhance service delivery. Here are the types we use:

Session Cookies: These are employed to remember your preferences and login details during your visit to our site.

Google Analytics: This tool helps us monitor site performance and understand the effectiveness of our advertising efforts. More details on Google Analytics' cookie usage can be found at https://policies.google.com/technologies/types.


As per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), users within its jurisdiction enjoy specific rights regarding their personal data:

The right to be informed of the data collected as described in this Policy.

The right to access the data we hold about you. Requests may take up to 30 calendar days to process.

The right to correct any inaccurate or incomplete data.

The right to have your data erased, though certain payment information may need to be retained under tax laws.

The right to suspend the processing of your personal data.

The right to receive your data in a commonly used format, which may take up to 40 calendar days to process.

The right to object to the processing of your personal data.

The right to be informed of any profiling or automated decision-making that affects you.


We encourage you to review this page periodically to stay informed of any changes to our Policy, which may be updated from time to time. Any amendments will be posted on our Service and the revision date updated. Continued use of our Service after updates signifies acceptance of the revised Policy. We will also endeavor to notify you of significant changes that may impact your rights or obligations through prominent notices on our Service or other appropriate means.


For any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at support@vpnprotect-shield.com.